When working with physical problems it is likely that at some point you will encounter these intruders of our physical bodies. When you think about it, it makes sense, doesn’t it? They are other entities that may have a detrimental impact on us, only these ones have taken on a physical form. Toxins, parasites, bacteria, and viruses are obvious. Surges refer to RNA Surges – entities or energies that force our RNA to replicate to an unwelcome result.
As with every other energy we have needed to detach from, there are three parts to consider. However, since these are not purely energy, we must work with both the energetic and physical manifestation of them.
When becoming neutral to an energy type, there are always three parts. Are we neutral to the energy type (no longer attracting it)? Are we choosing to be free of it? (Do we want it entirely gone?) Are we choosing to release it? (Are we capable of letting it go?). In the physical realm, the same three questions are required, with slight adjustments to make more intuitive sense.
Addressing Toxins, Parasites, Bacteria. Viruses, and Surges
Once you’ve determined that one of these has been found, ask the following three questions, making note of the answers:
Are you neutral to it?
Are you holding onto it?
Are you feeding it?
You may need to address any or all of the above. Ask which order you need to do so, and follow those instructions.
If you are not neutral, use the Neutralize Stuck Energy process to become neutral.
If you are holding onto or feeding the toxin etc, go through the stuck energy chart to address the stuck energy that is triggering this to happen.
Once you are neutral and no longer holding or feeding the entity in question, ask if you can release it. Do this with a counter-clockwise spin as usual, and verify that it is no longer present before moving on.