Transgressive Energy is a free floating low frequency energy that has no intention behind it. When experiencing physical or emotional trauma, the frequency can often attract Transgressive Energy. It can be found anywhere, and only needs to be released, not healed or neutralized.
It may be beneficial to include this in the Energetic Housekeeping process.
There are 2 ways to discover/indentify Transgressive Energy (TE).
Ask if Transgressive Energy is present. It may be beneficial to include this as part of Energetic Housekeepeing at the beginning of your session.
Indentify it as as a stuck energy throughout your session
After all energies holding the Transgressive Energy (TE) in place are no longer present, check again to see if the Transgressive Energy (TE) is now able to be released.
Ask the subconscious if there is any other Transgressive Energy that needs to be released.
If yes, then this part of the process is complete, and you may proceed with working on the original problem or issue(TE) was found.
If no, check to see if you're still connected with your subconscience or your client. Be sure to ask if its safe, check for clarity, Outside Influence, and if there is any intention interference. If no,identfy any other energies that may be present and holding the TE in place. Once you find that all Transgressive Energy (TE) has been released, then proceed with working on the original issue/problem.